Time saving kitchen cleaning hacks that you must try

Kitchen is the heart of the house and it’s our responsibility  to keep the kitchen completely clean, as it directly depends on the health of the family members. You may find it time consuming to clean the kitchen and boring as well but here we will share you some easy tricks to clean your kitchen like a pro and you will be completely satisfied with the end result. If you are in search of a professional touch to make your kitchen clean and beautiful then you can book our kitchen cleaning services in Qatar which is a part of our house cleaning services from OfferMaids the top cleaning company in Qatar.

kitchen cleaning

Listed below are the kitchen cleaning hacks that will help you:

Cleaning microwave oven:

If you want to remove the grime from your oven then here is a trick of steam cleaning the microwave oven. For that you need to dampen some paper towels with water and white vinegar or lemon juice. Set it on high temperature for a minute this will make the chrome to soften due to the steam from the towel. You can use that paper towel once it is cooled to clean all the grime from the interior.

Drain cleaning:

Pour a half cup of baking soda and half cup of white vinegar down the drain when your drain has a slow or smelly flow. Put some boiling water down the drain, and let it foam for a couple of minutes. It’s now easy to clean the smelly and slow flowing drain through this hack.

Wiping cooktop:

If your cooktop has spills and splatters of oil and makes the cooktop look dirty then you must follow this tip. All you need to do is dip the cotton tissue with coconut oil and rub over the cooktop to remove and loosen the dirt. After that you can clean the cooktop with soap water and lastly clean with dry cloth to get a perfect finish.

Unclog the sink and eliminate odor:

In the case of clogged sinks, pour boiling hot water and a cup of liquid dish soap into the sink and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Before running the water, let it sit for five minutes. Using dish soap to remove grease from pipes and hot water to flush them out will help clear them.  Despite being closed, garbage still stinks. You can neutralize these smells by placing a citrus-based air freshener under the sink.

Cleaning top of refrigerator:

The tops of cabinets and refrigerators are hard to dust, but these surfaces are inevitably covered in sticky grime. Just swap out the wax paper or newspapers every week for new ones, and you will have a permanent solution.

Cleaning cutting board:

It is important to clean and disinfect cutting boards properly, as bacteria and germs can easily be trapped on them. Mix a bit of white vinegar with a gentle sponge or a lemon juice soaked in baking soda and spread it evenly over the surface of the cutting board. After rinsing and drying the board, wash it in hot water.
Contact Offer Maids Qatar if you want professionals to clean the kitchen. Our kitchen cleaning services which comes under house cleaning service where our professional will make your kitchen shiny and clear.